As a student, but a lover of handbags and purses, I am often on the hunt for bags that won't break the bank but are still stylish and of good quality. Shoulder bags with long straps are my favourite type of bags since they keep both my hands free and its super easy to grab things from inside, even when you're on the move.
Here are my top five shoulder/crossbody bags for under $650 CAD ($500 USD for my American readers)
1) Furla Metropolis Mini Crossbody - $405 CAD
There's many things about this bag that I absolutely love. I find the size and style to be quite classic yet chic and can be dressed up or down for either day or night time wear. I also love how this bag comes in so many colours and prints, and how it uses a beautiful light gold hardware.
Note: Canadians cannot purchase from Furla's online store, will need to go through Saks, Nordstrom etc.
Purchase and read more on the Furla Metropolis Mini Bag HERE
2) Michael Kors Selma Crossbody (Medium) - $278 CAD
My Mini Selma can comfortably fit my iPhone 6, bulky keys, a small wallet, a coin purse, earphones, a couple lipsticks, and with room to spare. Click HERE to read my full review of the Mini Selma Crossbody bag.
Purchase and read more on the Michael Kors Selma Crossbody HERE
3) Rebecca Minkoff Love Crossbody (Medium) - $405 CAD
The only thing is that I would recommend avoiding the "nubuck" leather as it can be difficult to clean, especially if you get a lighter coloured bag like I did. The "nubuck" leather however, feels luxurious and looks amazing but if you're like me and you're not someone who likes to baby their bags, I would avoid going for the nubuck leather in a light colour. But if you don't mind taking the extra steps to really take care of your bag, then go for it!
Purchase the Rebecca Minkoff Love Crossbody and find more styles HERE
4) Coach Parker -$425 CAD
This bag is also a convertible bag, similar to Rebecca Minkoff's Love Crossbody and Tory Burch's Fleming (see below) where you can change the length of the shoulder strap from a shoulder bag to a longer crossbody.
Purchase the Coach Parker Bag and find more styles HERE
5) Tory Burch Fleming Convertible (Small) - $630 CAD
This bag also takes its inspiration from another famous Chanel bag - the Classic Flap. Although you can see the similarities between the two, I find that the Tory Burch Fleming bag has a number of features that differentiates itself from the Chanel, for example, the tassel, the leather's print and texture, the shape of the flap itself etc. I don't have this bag, but having seen it in real life, it is beautiful and the leather is smooth and of good quality. The great thing about this bag is that it is "convertible" so that the length of the strap can be changed into a shoulder bag or a longer cross body.
Purchase the Tory Burch Fleming Bag HERE
Leave a comment below on which bag is your favourite or if you know of any other bags that are stylish but affordable!